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Tricks Used by So-Called Instructors to Attract Physiotherapy Students

The number of self-proclaimed instructors has increased exponentially in India. PT Students are continuously falling prey to false advertisements and gimmicks used by such instructors.

The most popular technique utilized by Instructors is putting a number of foreign countries in their posters to attract students. Students get impressed by the number and names of the countries the instructor claims to have learned from or gotten accreditation from. The instructors also promote their workshops saying it is an international certification.

Solution : Only CPD accredited workshops are accepted worldwide. Student must do a background check. Do not get impressed by the countries. There is a high chance the instructor also attended one of the workshops like you are attending and then came back to India claiming that he is now the instructor of the technique.

The company or institute mentioned in the posters or the adverts saying that the workshop is approved by so and so need to be examined as well. There are institutes abroad that freely give away approval based on a yearly fee charged to the instructor. They don’t bother to check what the instructor is teaching. Sometimes the institute might represent something else and the instructor who got approval from the said institute might teach something completely different. This makes no sense of the approval received.

Solution : Do some research regarding the certifying bodies.

The other method used by instructors is issuing long suffix tags such as CCSDNR that you can put after your name. They have absolutely zero value if it isn’t from the institute that has developed the technique.

Solution : Suffixes are only accepted from institutions that have either invented the technique or have a world wide recognition.

Some instructors might give away free things such as tapes foam rollers etc and claim that these equipment cost so and so but you will receive these for free if you enrol. There is also a time frame given to create urgency. If enrolling before so and so date, you’ll receive discount. If registered after, you’ll have to pay more. All this is done as marketing tactics. Not that there is anything wrong in doing marketing, but the students need not be hurried into making decisions which involve them spending money.

Solution : Take your time in making decision. Decide only when you’re completely sure about the workshop.

Instructors might try to impress you with their knowledge by stating simple basics. We think Damn! This guy knows his basics. YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR BASICS TOO! Get impressed by the way he answers your well thought and genuine queries. Get impressed by the way he explains based on scientific fact and not what the instructor believes in. That is superstition. We are science people. Know the difference.

Solution : Get your basics right.

Last but not the least, teaching a huge batch at a cheap cost. Students are attracted towards low-cost workshops. Students try to save as much as they can and fall for such low-cost workshops and regret later. Cheap isn’t always better. You don’t want to regret later.

Solution : Save your money for the right course. Be sure about the certification and then spend your money.

Many times we go by what our seniors have suggested us. They advised you based on what they knew. Find your own truths as well. Do your own research. Interrogate thoroughly. More than money, the knowledge you gain is at stake. No harm in asking the instructor for credentials. Ask! Ask for proof! If you aren’t satisfied with the answer, look for another instructor.


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